Tadeusz Wrona (politician)

Tadeusz Stanisław Wrona (born 26 March 1951 in Szczecin), Polish politician, mayor of Częstochowa, member of Sejm of the Republic of Poland.


He graduated Henryk Sienkiewicz High School in Częstochowa and in 1974 Politechnika Częstochowska. Since 1982 he's doctor in engineering. Worked in Politechnika until 1990 and from 1996 to 1997.

In 1980 he was co-founder of Solidarność in Politechnika. From 18 June 1990 to 3 November 1995 he was mayor of Częstochowa[1] and member of City Council (1990 to 1998). From 1997 to 2001 he was member of Sejm.

In 2002 he became mayor of Częstochowa again[1] and was re-elected in 2006. In 2009 group of citizens tried to change mayor. In referendum was dismissed.[2]

In 2010 he started in local election, but didn't become mayor. He became member of City Council.[3] In 2011 he starte work in Najwyższa Izba Kontroli[4] and resigned from his seat in City Council.[5]


  1. ^ a b Kalendarium ważniejszych działań samorządu miasta Częstochowy w latach 1990–2002
  2. ^ Referendum gminne w sprawie odwołania Prezydenta Miasta Częstochowy Tadeusza Wrony przed upływem kadencji – 15 listopada 2009 r.
  3. ^ Serwis PKW – Wybory 2010
  4. ^ Tadeusz Wrona już w NIK-u
  5. ^ Tadeusz Wrona nie chce być radnym

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